Quinn MacDonald

Administrative & Research Assistant
Quinn MacDonald
Accepting New Clients
Quinn MacDonald
Accepting New Hypnotherapy Clients

As Administrative and Research assistant, Quinn helps to ensure in-person services at the clinic run smoothly and effectively. She will also be providing research and analysis related to various psychological concepts under the direction of the Clinical Director. Her undergraduate focus was in Psychology with her honours thesis investigating the associations between interpersonal emotion regulation during conflict and sexual well-being in couples navigating Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder.

Concurrently, Quinn also works as a Research Assistant at Dalhousie's Department of Psychology in Dr. Natalie Rosen's Couples and Sexual Health Laboratory expanding on her honours research focusing on relationship and sexual well-being outcomes for couples coping with distressing low sexual desire. Her interests in psychology include the impact of intimate partner violence on survivors, barriers to care for those experiencing mental illness, and improving accessibility to mental health services. Wholetherapy's approach of providing integrative and trauma-informed care resonates with Quinn’s belief and interest in individualized and client-focused therapy.

Wholetherapy provides counselling services to: Individuals, Families, and Couples

Difficult experiences impact how we function in life. If you're experiencing difficulty as a result of trauma, loss, family dysfunction, illness, drastic life change, or some other challenge, contact us for an initial appointment.
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