Services andTherapies

IFS AND Parts Work

Discover Yourself Piece by Piece with Parts Work.

A little more information...

Parts Work in trauma therapy, utilizes various theories to help individuals understand and integrate different aspects of their personality. Our therapists are skilled in techniques such as Internal Family Systems Theory, Structural Dissociation Theory, and Ego State Theory, each offering unique insights into the psyche.

What is Parts Work?

In Parts Work, we recognize that everyone has multiple "parts" of their personality that interact in complex ways. For example, one part might prioritize health and fitness, while another prefers comfort and relaxation. Through therapy, you learn to acknowledge these parts and understand their roles and motivations without judgment.

The Goal of Parts Work:

The ultimate aim is to reconnect with your "true self"—a core aspect of your personality characterized by qualities like compassion, curiosity, and creativity. This self is also playful, present, and patient. Traumatic experiences can cause certain parts to become defensive or rigid, making it challenging to act from your true self.

Benefits of Engaging in Parts Work:

By working with a therapist trained in Parts Work, you can explore these inner dynamics in a supportive environment, helping you find balance and access your healthiest self after trauma.

Further Reading and Resources:

Wholetherapy provides counselling services to: Individuals, Families, children, and Couples

Difficult experiences impact how we function in life. If you're experiencing difficulty as a result of trauma, loss, family dysfunction, illness, drastic life change, or some other challenge, contact us for an initial appointment.
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